March 31, 2025

Your Driving Checklist Before Setting Out: Things You Cannot Forget

Before setting off on a long journey, it’s a good idea to go through the pre-drive checklist at least once. It is not suggested that you do this checklist every time you get into your car for the rest of your life. However, it’s crucial when you’re just starting out on the road. If you take the time to go through the pre-drive checklist, you can rest certain that you and your automobile are ready for the journey ahead. You’ll need to check the area behind the vehicle for people, pets, and other obstacles, tighten your seatbelt, and adjust your mirrors and seat accordingly. The pre drive checklist should be essential here.

Modifications that must be done According to pre drive checklist

The DMV uses this pre-drive checklist while giving behind-the-wheel examinations of candidates’ abilities. It is essential that you make it a practise of checking off each item on the checklist whenever you go behind the wheel, before you take your final practical exam. Under stress, it’s impossible to remember all that has to be done if you haven’t written it down beforehand. If you don’t do everything properly from the start of the driving test, you’ll fail if you don’t pass the pre-drive inspection.

You may get a head start on your practical exam by memorising the items on our pre-drive checklist by going over it often before getting behind the wheel.

Learn how the interior is organised

If this is your first time driving this vehicle, you should spend some time getting used to the controls before setting off on your journey. You don’t want to have to go hunting for anything while driving, and it’s possible that the pre-drive checklist doesn’t include all of these crucial items.

Get out of the car!

You may think the pre-drive checklist would begin the moment you stepped inside the vehicle, but you’d be wrong. The vehicle should be walked around once to check for obstacles such as pedestrians, animals, or objects. From the driver’s seat, you won’t be able to see the hood or trunk, so you won’t be able to search for these things.

Check the area immediately around the car for any dangers

Check the windows, windscreen, headlights, taillights, and brake lights. They need to have a certain level of cleanliness. Having dirt or filth on the windscreen is a serious problem that may severely impact your eyesight while driving in bright weather, when glare is a possibility. When the sun is out, this is particularly the case.

Make sure that the windscreen and all other windows in the car are spotless

See whether any of the tyres are losing air pressure or seem to be damaged. Simply looking at the tyres isn’t enough; once a month, you need check the pressure to make sure it’s accurate. Check the tread depth and the overall condition of your tyres.  Tyre pressure should be checked. It’s important to double-check the vehicle’s underside for any leaks before continuing.


If you see any slippery spots under the vehicle, jot them down. You’re at the point where you could grab the wheel, but you shouldn’t just yet because you need to double-check that everything has been taken care of and that there are no obvious problems.