February 22, 2025

Simple Guide Go Importing Vehicles

Best things in life are those which are simple to understand, and with this guide, we will help you achieve an easy understand how to successfully import your vehicles into Australia. Of course, in order to have a successful import with ease, it is suggested that you seek help from a trusted importing provider that operates within Australia, but if you think you can handle everything yourself, it is an option as well.

Finding an importing provider goes a long way

An importing provider can help you take care of some of the most important part of the importing process. Many would assume that the shipping is the hardest part to organize, however, that is not entirely true, as for that, you simply need to find a shipping container on a cargo boat, and ship it to Australia from the desired destination.

The trickiest part is usually the quarantine, where the vehicle needs to be cleaned so much that it looks like its completely new, otherwise it tends to be kept for a couple of days or even weeks, which is certainly something that you want to avoid. You can find everything that an importing provider can do for you during an import if you visit https://importdirectcarsales.com.au, which is quite helpful.

Classic cars need research before importing

Apply for approval

One of the first things that you should do when it comes to importing a vehicle into Australia is to apply for an importing permit. You can easily apply for approval online today, and it takes a couple of minutes to fill out the forms, and a couple of days to receive the approval later on.

It is very important to check if the vehicle that you are applying for is eligible to enter Australia, and if it will need some modifications in order to meet Australian regulations. Modifications can be quite small and insignificant when it comes to the final price of importing, however, there are cases where they can be extremely expensive, especially for luxury vehicles.

Consult with your provider about shipping

You can easily discover international car shipping cost according to Import Direct Car Sales by using their calculator, and it is often a good idea to check how much things are going to cost for your desired vehicle beforehand. When it comes to shipping, there are not that many options to bring in a car overseas into Australia.

Vehicles are mostly put into a metal container that goes onto a big cargo ship, and they are delivered like that from the starting destination all the way to Australia. Once they arrive, they go into quarantine where they are checked for asbestos and other materials that are not allowed in Australia, which should be taken care of by the importing company.

You can easily import even the muscle cars

Final word

After you receive your vehicle, you should register it. Many tend to confuse that paying for customs is not the same as registering vehicle, as customs only allow you to pick up the vehicle once it arrives, but it does not make it registered under your name.